<雇用形態> 正社員
1. 勤務開始予定: 7月下旬以降
2. 勤務時間:9-17時(昼休憩12-13時)
3. 業務内容
Writing reports in Japanese and assisting Director of Research on U.S economy and industries & other related issues including Latin American markets international business issues by monitoring news and publications, conducting interviews with experts, responding to inquiries, attending seminars and analyzing data. (米国経済と産業、中南米市場、国際ビジネスや関連事項に関する調査リポート執筆およびディレクターに対する補助業務。調査リポートの執筆は、各種ニュース、出版物、外部有識者へのインタビュー、外部からの問合せ、外部セミナーへの参加、データ分析などに基づき行う)
Assisting to organize seminars, business matching and business missions targeting at Japanese affiliated firms in US(在米日系企業向けのセミナー、ビジネスマッチング、ビジネスミッション開催補助)
providing Japanese affiliated firms with necessary information at their requests. Inquiring to Tokyo HQ and other overseas offices, when needed (日系企業からの質問対応。必要に応じて本部(東京)、他の海外事務所などへの照会)
Network expansion with chambers of commerce and industry organizations in the NY office territory (米国内の商工会議所や産業別の協会とのネットワーク拡大)
4. 条件
Strong interest in international business, U.S. economy, industries and international business interpersonal
Bilingual communication skill (English/Japanese)
Spanish linguistic ability preferred
Ability to thrive in multi-cultural setting
Ability to accurately write reports in English/Japanese
Target oriented mindset
Computer skill (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
Ability to take and accurately transcribe dictation
Ability to organize and accurately file paperwork,
Ability to take accurate telephone messages.
Experience of writing reports in Japanese including collecting and analyzing industrial and economic data.
Marketing , Business Development or Sale experience (Preferred)
Business trip and overtime work are required (出張・残業あり)